cost of glory

26 – Marius 2: Third Founder of Rome

26 – Marius 2: Third Founder of Rome

26 – Marius 2: Third Founder of Rome

Episode Length: 73:53

26 – Marius 2: Third Founder of Rome Episode Transcript

In this episode, Gaius Marius goes from upstart commander to Third Founder of Rome.
Roman writer and historian Sallust said Marius possessed Virtus (“manliness, prowess, virtue” – but, was Marius ultimately a “good man”? 
In part two of The Life of Gaius Marius, Marius captures Jugurtha, he enlists the help of a prophetess to annihilate an army of Teutones, and triumphs over the Cimbri at the Battle of Vercellae.  And how he became six times Roman consul.
But in order to reach the top, Marius had to dispatch political enemies, and make alliances with some dubious characters.  Was it worth it? 
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On today’s podcast:
  • The power of narrative
  • How to commandeer a war from a decorated general
  • Marius the Military Reformer and Strategist
  • The battles of Arausio, Aquae Sextiae, Vercellae
  • Third Founder of Rome
  • How to engineer the downfall of a rival