Heroes are Dangerous: Rousseau & Nietzsche with Johnathan Bi
Johnathan Bi left success in the startup world to focus on researching the deep ideas that power the world, and has recently launched his series on the Great Books of the West, starting with his lecture on Nietzsche.
In this episode:
- What is Rousseau’s impact on the world?
- Johnathan’s Journey towards the Great Thinkers and their Books
- The Duality of Heroism & Rousseau as Hero Worshipper
- Rousseau’s balanced treatments of Nietzsche’s Ideas
- Why do we need Heroes?
- The Difference between Desire for Power and Execution of that Power
- Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs and their Selfish Desire for Glory
- The Hero vs. The Citizen
- The Degeneration of Modern Languages
- The Core of Nietzsche’s Interest in the Great Heroes of the Past
- Tech Startups are Non-Egalitarian!
- Rome Against Judea
Resources mentioned:
- Johnathan’s Interview and Lecture Series: Great Books of the West
- Rousseau’s Discourse on This Question: Which Is the Virtue Most Necessary for a Hero and Which Are the Heroes Who Lacked This Virtue?
- Johnathan’s Newsletter
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History Contains Power
My name is Alex Petkas, and in The Cost of Glory, I present you with the best stories, analyses and takeaways, from the greatest and most influential figures from Greco-Roman antiquity.