Pompey I: Kid Butcher
Pompey, the Great. Part 1 of 3. Pompey's rise to become one of Rome's greatest generals - before he's even old enough to hold office. How he got the nickname of "Kid Butcher" or "The Butcher Boy".
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Key Names:
Agesilaus of Sparta
Julius Caesar
Alexander the Great
Pompeius STRABO (father)
Social War
Gaius MARIUS (populist consul)
Lucius Cornelius CINNA (populist consul)
Lucius Cornelius SULLA (optimate consul & dictator)
MITHRIDATES - King of Pontus
Gnaeus Papirius CARBO (populist consul)
Antistia (first wife)
Marcus Licinius CRASSUS
Marcus Aemilus LEPIDUS (rebel consul)
Marcus Junius BRUTUS (Father of the conspirator)
Quintus Lutatius CATULUS (optimate stalwart)
Quintus Sertorius
Quintus Caecilus METELLUS PIUS (P's fellow general in Spain)
Marcus PERPERNA (populist ally of Sertorius)
Marcus Terentius VARRO (the scholar)
Lucius Licinius LUCULLUS (rival general)
Quintus HORTENSIUS Hortalus (optimate stalwart)
Aulus GABINIUS (P's tribune buddy)
The Pirates
"Quirites" (the Roman citizenry)
Key Places:
North Africa
Sucro River
Ostia (Rome's port)
[Jeremy Giffon on Invest like the Best Podcast, ep. 336: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0Vdv5i250hF6EfzOTML9RE?si=98bacff34a7244e9]
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The Cost Of Glory Episodes
Cato I: A Strange Boy
Our centennial episode! The first in a new series on the Life of Cato the Younger, Rome's great Stoic statesman.
On Progress : Against Stoicism
How to make progress, and know it. Featuring a few of Plutarch's critiques of some Stoics of his day - whether fairly or unfairly, you can decide. Also featuring: Diogenes the Cynic ...
Gallic Wars 8: Finale
Caesar ties all loose ends in his Gallic Campaign, in part 8, the final episode of our series on Caesar’s masterwork of psychology, strategy, and propaganda: On the Gallic War (De Bello Gallico). This is a world-history making story (the conquest of what’s now modern France), told by a world-history making storyteller. Caesar entered Gaul as a mere politician. He returned 9 years later as a conqueror - and an enemy of the state. He tells how it all happened with his own pen.In this episode:Final skirmishes with the Bituriges and the CarnutesSiege of a hill-fort, and Caesar takes arms (literally)Conclusion of a bloody chapter, and some takeawaysCost of Glory is an Infinite Media production — and big thanks to Dr. Richard Johnson of the great city of New York for sponsoring this episode and many others in this series!
History Contains Power
My name is Alex Petkas, and in The Cost of Glory, I present you with the best stories, analyses and takeaways, from the greatest and most influential figures from Greco-Roman antiquity.