Pompey III: Fields of Pharsalus
Life of Pompey Part 3 of 3: Pompey's final rise to the heights of Roman power, his war with his friend Julius Caesar, and his final downfall.
(M. Tullius) Cicero
(Titus Pomponius) Atticus
C. Julius Caesar
Cn. Pompeius Magnus (Pompey)
Julia, Caesar's Daughter
(M. Licinius) Crassus
(L. Domitius) Ahenobarbus - Optimate Stalwart (Cos. 54)
(M. Porcius) Cato "The Younger" - the Stoic
(M. Calpurnius) Bibulus - Cos. 59
P. Clodius Pulcher - Populist Thug lord
(T. Annius) Milo - Pompey's Thug lord
M. Caelius (Rufus) - Cicero's young political analyst friend
Publius Licinius Crassus - The Richest Man's Son
Cornelia - Pompey's final wife
(Q. Caecilius) Metellus (Pius) Scipio - Pompey's new Father in Law
Aulus Gabinius - Pompey's friend, exiled after Egyptian expedition
Ptolemy XII Auletes ("The Piper") - exiled king of Egypt
(C. Scribonius) Curio - Optimate turncoat, Caesar's tribune
M. Antonius (Mark Antony)
M. Claudius Marcellus - Optimate stalwart (Cos 51)
C. Claudius Marcellus - Optimate stalwart (Cos. 50, cousin of Cos. 51)
M. Favonius - "Stamp, Pompey!" Senator
Themistocles - Athenian statesman
Camillus - 4th c. BC Roman statesman
T. Labienus - Caesar's general, deserted to Pompey
(M. Junius) Brutus - Future Conspirator
Theophanes of Mytilene - the Historian
Crassianus - Caesar's centurion at Pharsalus
Cratippus of Pergamon - Philosopher at Mytilene
Ptolemy XIII - Boy king of Egypt
Potheinus - Ptolemy XIII's Eunuch
Achillas - Ptolemy XIII's General
Theodotus - Ptolemy XIII's Rhetoric Teacher
Philippus - Pompey's freedman
The Roman Forum
The Tiber River
Carrhae (Battle of) - in Mesopotamia (Parthian Empire)
Gaul (Mod. France)
Pompey's Theater ("Temple of Venus")
Alesia (Battle of) - in Gaul
Naples (Neapolis)
Ravenna (N. Italy, "Cisalpine Gaul" then)
Rubicon River
Ariminum (Rimini)
Corfinium - Italian town in the Apennines
Brundisium - Eastern Port in Italy
Dyrrhachium (Mod. Durrës) - in Epirus (Rom. province of Macedonia)
Thessaly - large plain in central Greece
Pharsalus - town in Thessaly
Tempē - Valley in Thessaly
Mytilene - City on island of Lesbos
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The Cost Of Glory Episodes

103 - The Immortal Cato

102 - Cato III: The Senate's Ashes

101 - Cato II: Seducers of Rome
History Contains Power
My name is Alex Petkas, and in The Cost of Glory, I present you with the best stories, analyses and takeaways, from the greatest and most influential figures from Greco-Roman antiquity.