Pyrrhus 2: Men and Beasts
Episode Length:
Pyrrhus challenges the Romans. History is full of examples of ambitious leaders who achieved great things. And conversely it features eminent leaders who dreamed big but failed to deliver. So, on which side of history will Pyrrhus, King of Epirus sit? Key takeaways: The cost of following your dreams Showing respect for your adversary Winning wars without resorting to violence (sometimes) Letting your strengths guide your decisions
The Cost Of Glory Episodes
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Episode Length:
January 22, 2025
102 - Cato III: The Senate's Ashes
The Finale, of the life of Cato the Younger. In this episode:The burning of the Senate house after Clodius' murder in 52 BCECato's failed bid for consulship and his hardline stance against CaesarThe outbreak of civil war and Caesar's crossing of the RubiconCato's final days and dramatic suicideA tale of principle and paradox, Cato's resolute stand for Republican values helped precipitate its own downfall. His death at Utica - dramatic, philosophical, and on his own terms - marked not just the end of his life but symbolically, the end of the Roman Republic itself.
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Episode Length:
December 21, 2024
101 - Cato II: Seducers of Rome
Part 2 of 3, The Life of Cato the Younger.
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Episode Length:
November 22, 2024
Cato I: A Strange Boy
Our centennial episode! The first in a new series on the Life of Cato the Younger, Rome's great Stoic statesman.
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History Contains Power
My name is Alex Petkas, and in The Cost of Glory, I present you with the best stories, analyses and takeaways, from the greatest and most influential figures from Greco-Roman antiquity.
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