Spartacus — with Barry Strauss
An interview with Barry Strauss, Spartacus expert, and author of The Spartacus War
In this episode:
-How Spartacus' Slave revolt almost failed in its early stages
-Overcoming short term thinking as a leader
-Spartacus' influence on modern leaders
The Cost Of Glory Episodes
Pyrrhus 2: Men and Beasts
Pyrrhus challenges the Romans. History is full of examples of ambitious leaders who achieved great things. And conversely it features eminent leaders who dreamed ...
Pyrrhus 1: Rise of a Warrior King
Pyrrhus, the Warrior King. Father of the "Pyrrhic Victory." Get fired up by the story of his physical courage, his determination to win against great odds. Original...
Nietzsche on the Dangers of History
Nietzsche on how too much history can be bad.
History Contains Power
My name is Alex Petkas, and in The Cost of Glory, I present you with the best stories, analyses and takeaways, from the greatest and most influential figures from Greco-Roman antiquity.